Training Material

Our mission at KIFWA is to steer and champion excellence, integrity and competitiveness in our member organizations throughout Kenya. Currently, KIFWA has over 300 Corporate Members. KIFWA has established itself as a formidable world class organization having created a awareness and standards of membership by engaging its members in relevant programs that contribute to their professional and business growth.

1    Acceller Global Logistics
2    Accord Logistics
3    Adairs Freight
4    Adroit Logistics
5    Aeropath Kenya ltd
6    Affaires Afrique ltd
7    Africa Direct ltd
8    Afrifresh Conveyors
9    Afriq Freight Services
10    Agility Logistics
11    Agriquip Agencies E.A
12    Ags Worldwide Movers ltd
13    Airband Cargo Fwds
14    Aircom Cargo Logistics
15    Airflo ltd
16    Airmarine & Land Trading
17    Airmarine Conveyors
18    Airsea Logistics
19    Akamai Freight Fwds
20    Alaxandria Freight
21    Allscope Logistics
22    Almeo Logistics
23    Alpha Worldwide Freight
24    Amazon Freight ltd
25    Apple Logistics
26    Aramex Kenya ltd
27    Arbiters Enterprises ltd
28    Attis Logistics
29    Bedi Investment
30    Bee Gee Key Investment
31    Beekay Logistics ltd
32    Benafrica Kenya ltd
33    Benairs Logistics ltd
34    Benjoe Logistics
35    Bepak Logistics ltd
36    Bestfast Cargo K ltd
37    Bestfreight Conveyors
38    Beyond Africa Freighters
39    Big Ways
40    Bima Cl. & FWD ltd
41    Birdwell Ventures
42    Blitz Logistics ltd
43    Blue Ocean E.A Co ltd
44    Blue Pearl Logistics
45    Blue Plus Freighters
46    Blue Range Logistics
47    Bluehill Investment ltd
48    Bluewave Logistics Serv
49    Bogani Freight Services
50    Bollore Transport & Log.
51    Bolt Speed Cargo Fwds
52    Bonfide C & F Co. ltd
53    Boontrade Agencies ltd
54    Bora Freighters
55    Bridgelane International ltd
56    BroadVision Logistics
57    Brunswick Log
58    Buchero Enterprises
59    Burhani Express Logistics
60    Buyers Logistics ltd
61    Callfast Services ltd
62    Calsdan Logistics ltd
63    Cammosuh Logistics ltd
64    Car and General
65    Cares C & F Co. ltd
66    Cargo Bros Logistics
67    Cargo Conveyors
68    Cargomasters E A Ltd
69    Cargonest Kenya ltd
70    Catesam Enterprises
71    Cebit Cargo
72    Chandaria Industries
73    Channel Atlantic ltd
74    Chasefast Logistics ltd
75    Chershire Freight ltd
76    Coastal Freighters
77    Continental Cargo
78    Continental Freighters ltd
79    Convectional Cargo
80    Cornerstone ltd
81    Coronet Cargo ltd
82    Corporate Legend ltd
83    Crown Industries
84    Dalsan Freighters ltd
85    Damasa Freight Fwds
86    Damco Logistics ltd
87    Dansaf Logistics
88    Davcharl Logistics
89    Davis & Shirtliff
90    Davmat Company ltd
91    Deepmark Cargo
92    Dejas Enterprises
93    Dekam Freighters ltd
94    Delcare Freight And Log
95    Delfast Logistics
96    Delta Cargo Connection 2011
97    Delta Handling Serv.
98    Destiny Conveyors
99    Destiny Freight Services
100    DHL Express ltd
101    Dhl Global Fwds K
102    Direct Wheelers Express
103    Dockport Trading & Courier
104    Dodhia Packaging
105    Doric Enterprises ltd
106    Duke Express
107    Duty Logistics ltd
108    East Africa Chains
109    EcuWorldwide K lt
110    Elka Cargo K ltd
111    Emergency Relief Supplies
112    Enerlog ltd
113    Equirak Logistics ltd
114    Escom Oil
115    Excellent Logistics Ltd
116    Exhaul ltd
117    Expedite Logistics
118    Expolanka Freight ltd
119    Export Trading Company
120    Exxem Express Cargo
121    Faida Cargo Services
122    Fantashi Freighters
123    Fastlane Logistics System
124    Fat'hi Freight Forwarders
125    Feliben International
126    Feyzo Ltd
127    Filmline ltd
128    First hand Cargo Handlers
129    Fleet Freighters
130    Flora Times Freight Log.
131    Flowerport Logistics
132    Forester Forwarders
133    Fra-Alex Top Freighters
134    Fracht Kenya ltd
135    Framic Cargo Agencies
136    Frank & Geoffrey Co.
137    Freight In Time ltd
138    Freight Reach Services
139    Freight Solutions
140    Freight Wings ltd
141    Freightlogix K ltd
142    Freightmax Company
143    Freightpower Logistics
144    Fremmy Freight Inter. Log
145    Freva Logistics Services
146    Gallin Holding ltd
147    Gallion Logistics
148    Gamma Villa
149    Garden Freight Logistics
150    Gatlink Investment
151    General Freighters
152    Ghomba International ltd
153    Gibron ltd
154    Gimbco Freight
155    Glinter Logistics ltd
156    Global Cargo Movers
157    Global Freight Logistics
158    GN Cargo Kenya ltd
159    Goldfield Logistics ltd
160    Good Freight International
161    Greentop Log
162    Gulimex International
163    Habo Agencies
164    Happyworld Freighters
165    Hass Petroleum K ltd
166    Hebatullah Brothers ltd
167    Hima Freighters
168    Hi-Tech Impex ltd
169    Homeland Freight ltd
170    Horizon Express
171    Horizon Freight Fwds
172    Iceberg Movers Enterprises
173    ILC Cargo Logistics
174    Impex Freight ltd
175    Inbound Freight & Logistics
176    Index Cargo Logistics
177    Indus Logistics ltd
178    Infusion Logistics
179    Inspire Cargo Logistics
180    Intercities Freight & Shipping
181    Intergrated Logistics ltd
182    International Commercial
183    International Foreign Trade
184    International Healthcare Dist.
185    Interport Clearing
186    Intime Forwarders ltd
187    Intraspax Freight ltd
188    Intraspeed Arcpro k
189    Iris Port Conveyors
190    Isuzu E A
191    Jaav Global Cargo
192    Jambo Logistics E A Ltd
193    Jaspa Freight ltd
194    Jaspa Logistics
195    Jay & Jay Logistics
196    Jires Ltd
197    Jomwaki Cargo Services
198    Jopuka Logistics ltd
199    Jowaka Superlink ltd
200    Jowam Cargo Company
201    Kankam Exporters
202    Kansei C & F Co. ltd
203    Karicko Investment
204    Karsis Global Logistics
205    Kate Freight And Travel ltd
206    Kawaison International ltd
207    Kearsley Freight Services
208    Kelvin And Hannington
209    Kenland Logistics
210    Kensco Business Solution
211    Kenton Freighters
212    Kenya Vehicle Manufactures
213    Kenya Wine Agencies
214    Kevian Kenya
215    Keynaut Logistics
216    Kiamba Clearing & Fwd ltd
217    Kimm Freighters K
218    Kind Logistics
219    Kings Cargo Agencies
220    Konza Clearing Agencies
221    Kuehne + Nagel ltd
222    Laboratory and Allied ltd
223    Landmark Port Conveyors
224    Leadtime Cargo Logistics
225    Leighnicks Company
226    Lift Cargo ltd
227    Link Freight ltd
228    Lino Stationers
229    Livundoni Investment
230    Logistic Link
231    Logistics Freight ltd
232    Logwin Air and Ocean Kenya
233    Longrange Trading & Log.
234    Longroad Logistics ltd
235    Macsim Cargo Services
236    Magnetic Kenya ltd
237    Makiwan Logistics
238    Manaquim Cargo
239    Mandi Cargo
240    Mantruck Agencies
241    Manufactures & Suppliers
242    Maraca Enterprises
243    Margie Agencies ltd
244    Marichor Marketing Services
245    Marine Express Logistics
246    Martsingberg C & F
247    Mascot Holding
248    Maya Duty Free ltd
249    Maya Freight ltd
250    Menengai Oil Refinery ltd
251    Meshack Global Enterprises
252    Mesohlink ltd
253    Meteor Freight Fwds
254    Mid Ocean
255    Midwave Freighters
256    Mig Forwarders
257    Milano Logistics
258    Milleage Enterprises ltd
259    Morgan Air Cargo
260    Mosel Enterprises
261    Mosmac Enterprises ltd
262    Mucheba Services
263    Multilinks ltd
264    Mustafa Freight Fwds
265    Nafast Freight Services
266    Nafenet Logistics ltd
267    Neline Shipping
268    Neosealand ltd
269    Neptune Forwarders
270    Newwide Garment K EPZ
271    Nnito Trading
272    Noahs Ark
273    Nodor Kenya EPZ
274    Nyagaka Forwarders
275    Oceanic Cargo
276    Oceanline Freight
277    Okamoto Freight Services
278    One Link ltd
279    One On One Logistics ltd
280    One Touch Cargo Services
281    One Touch Logistics
282    Optimax Kenya ltd
283    Oserian Development Co.
284    Pantel Chemicals
285    Panworld Logistics
286    Pedwin ltd
287    Pejon Freight Movers
288    Pentagon Logistics
289    Perishable Movements k ltd
290    Philsam Agencies
291    Pillar Freight Fowarders
292    Pinnaco Logistics
293    Pioneer Freight Fwds
294    Plains Logistics
295    Planfreight ltd
296    Polygon Logistics ltd
297    Port Conveyors
298    Portway E. A Ltd
299    Portwoxs Cargo Forwarders
300    Prafulla Enterprises
301    Precise Logistics
302    Printpak
303    Priority Air Express
304    Priority Logistics
305    Prome Tech ltd
306    Queens Cargo International
307    Quick Cargo Services
308    Radisson ltd
309    Rahma Logistics
310    Raiplywood K ltd
311    Ramsford Freight Fwds
312    Rapat Freight K ltd
313    Rapid Kate Services
314    Ras Cargo Freight ltd
315    Ray Cargo Services
316    Realdream International
317    Realtime Cargo ltd
318    Realtime Freight Performance
319    Red Anchor International
320    Regional Entrepreneurs
321    Relay Cargo Services
322    Removal Goods Services
323    Renaissance ltd
324    Rescuetech Enterprises
325    Ridgeway Merchants ltd
326    Rige ltd
327    Rioma Freighters ltd
328    Rising Freight
329    Rolling Cargo ltd
330    Ruman Logistics
331    Ryce E.A ltd
332    Sag Forwarders ltd
333    Saharry ltd
334    Sai Cargo Masters
335    Salimond Freight Services
336    Salmir C & F Co. ltd
337    Sam & San Logistics
338    Samphy Logistics
339    Seabridge Forwarders
340    Sealine Logistics
341    Seatec Global ltd
342    Seaway Maritime ltd
343    Seaways Kenya
344    Sedo Logistics
345    Servewell Logistics
346    Shamsco Logistics Inter. Ltd
347    Shaqshan Freight
348    Shardi Express
349    Shenker ltd
350    Simmonds Cargo Services
351    Sky & Sea Cargo Track
352    Skylark Conveyors ltd
353    Skyline Express Services
354    Skyline Global Services
355    Skylux Logistics ltd
356    Smoothline Freighters ltd
357    Sonic Fresh Co. ltd
358    Sote Forwarders ltd
359    Speedex Logistics
360    Speranza International
361    Steca Freight
362    Stefra Consultancy Agencies
363    Stekar Logistics
364    Stellar Logistics
365    Straightline Cargo Fwds
366    Subukia Holdings
367    Suna Freighters
368    Supercare Freight Services
369    Superfirst Forwarders
370    Superfreight ltd
371    Supermark Worldwide Freght
372    Superquick Freighters
373    Supersonic C & F Services
374    Suzan Duty Free
375    Sysmax Global Logistics
376    Tabaki Freight Services
377    Tandem Solutions
378    Tastic Enterprises
379    Tatu ltd
380    Techno Relief Services
381    Tedice Express Agencies
382    Tepra Logistics
383    Tham Express
384    The Nairobi Clearing House
385    Timsales ltd
386    Titan Logistics International
387    TNT Express Worldwide
388    Topline Logistics
389    Total Touch Express
390    Towfiq Kenya ltd
391    Tradebase Company ltd
392    Tradewinds Logistics ltd
393    Transport & Lifting
394    Transrock ltd
395    Treasure Cargo Services
396    Ufanisi Freighters K
397    Ukwala Freight
398    Unick Company ltd
399    Union Logistics
400    United Aryan EPZ
401    United Freight Logistics
402    Urgent Cargo Handling
403    Utex Freight
404    Vantage Point C & F
405    Vasterguard ltd
406    Victoria International Log
407    Victory Freighters
408    Vinep Forwarders
409    Vision Enterprises
410    Waki C & F Agents ltd
411    Wansar Kenya ltd
412    Waterfront Transnet ltd
413    Western Logistics
414    Westwinds Freight Services
415    Willima Enterprises ltd
416    World Domain
417    WorldTrade Freight Logistics
418    Year 2000 Freighters ltd
419    Yolla Freighters ltd
420    Youngline Cargo Fwds


Kenya International Freight and Warehousing Association ( KIFWA) is the sole representative of all clearing, forwarding and warehousing companies in Kenya. The formation of KIFWA was born out of the need to form one National body which is cohesive enough to represent the interests of all its members.

NairobiHead Office

  Nairobi Office,K.P.A ICD (Embakasi),Off Mombasa Road
Agent's Block,Ground Floor.
P.O Box 57969-00200 Nairobi.
  +254 791 440 879.
+254 738 271 219.
+254 20-2026188.
 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

MombasaBranch Office

  Mombasa Office,Mombasa Trade Centre,3rd Floor.
South Wing, Mikindani Street-Nkrumah Road
P.O Box 9908-80107 Kilindini.
  +254 706 217 445
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Our AimsObjectives

Promote Legitimate Trade
Promote High Standard Of Service
Promote Uniform Document by Members
Share & Collate Data among Members
Establish & maintain contacts with Affiliates
Represent & advocate views & policies of KIFWA
Initiate, promote, support legislation
Coordinate with other Organizations
Enforce the Code of Conduct of KIFWA
Promote & encourage consultations