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Frequently Asked Questions (6)
Frequeantly Asked Questions
• At the time of shipping, request your shipper to insert the clause “in transit to Regional Logistic Centre CFS-Miritini” on the Bill of lading under the section of goods description and also to include the same clause in the “Final Destination” section of the Bill of Lading.
• If not nominated on the bill of lading, a letter of indemnity written on the Consignee’s letter head can be provided to the shipping line at least 6 days prior to the ETA of the vessel to insert the clause for ‘regional logistics centre CFS’ before the manifest is lodged. You can always Contact our offices through
the email of and cc copy to for the sample of indemnity letter format to the respective shipping line.
• Negotiation of favourable terms
• Maximum security maintained during and after cargo transfer
This is the most important document in the shipping process. To ship any goods, a B/Lading is required and acts as a receipt and contract between the carrier and the consignee (importer).
A CFS is a Container Freight Station. It serves as an off-dock terminal and provides handling and storage services as an extension of the Port. CFS‘s are licensed by Kenya Revenue Authority but works under the umbrella of KPA tariff.